Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I am a summer girl. The hotter, the better for me. So while the cooler temperatures are bringing a repreive to many, my heart is sad that the long sunshiny days are growing to a close. Along with the shorter daylight hours come some added perks, no need to mow or water the lawn for example. And when the really cold weather arrives, there will be many days inside next to a warm fire.
On my walk today I thought of bears hibernating and how they eat large amounts of food as they prepare to “rest” for the long winter. The idea of a long winter’s nap is very appealing and although we don’t get to sleep through the dark, cold, snowy season I was intrigued by the idea of large amounts of food and not the kind you might be thinking.
The way that God explained this to me today was that while I hunker down for the winter and prepare to spend many hours indoors, (hibernate), He has given me this time to spend with Him, feeding on His Word.
This time is a gift away from the many warm weather distractions that fill my days and keep me going at warp speed. This season is a time to slow down, reconnect and find peace for my weary soul and I do that by resting in the arms of Jesus.
In this new season He is giving us permission to rest and be restored and if we accept His invitation to “Come,” we will find renewed hope and life come spring.