Live Boldly

Hannah Stood Up

One time when Elkanah and his family had finished eating and drinking at Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s house. In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. (1 Samuel 1:9-10)

That was the moment when everything changed. She had been sitting down for a long time. For many years she had been down, allowing things to happen the way they came. Allowing things to affect her and people to hurt her.  But then came a day; the day Hannah stood up.

We all have that moment deep within us when we cannot just sit any longer and we need to stand up for what we know God has for us. Deep in our hearts we know we need to stand up.  The moment Hannah stood up was the moment her life changed. It was in that moment that she knew the only one that could help her was God and she poured out her soul to the Lord.

Hannah could have stood up for the injustices that were meted against her but she stood up for something bigger than herself and took her petition directly to God.

Like Hannah we can stand up for things that are bigger than what are happening to us. But how do we stand up?

1. God to the temple and meet with your creator. We no longer have to meet God in a specific place of worship like Hannah did. Because of the Cross, we have direct access to God and the privilege of approaching His thrown with confidence. He is ever present and waiting to hear from you.

2. Pour out your heart to Him. He understands you and knows what is inside you better than you know yourself. He wants to hear from you and when you cannot find the words, His Holy Spirit will intercede for you.

Have you been sitting for a long time? Do you know deep down inside that it’s time to stand? Remember…..We never stand taller than when we are on our knees before the Lord.

Be Intentional about taking a stand for the things of God.

Praises & Prayers

Father, thank you for being my God, my Father, my Savior and my Redeemer. You know every detail of my heart’s desires and I pray that I will choose to pour them out to You. Thank you for hearing me, seeing me and loving me. You are My Everything! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Messages from His Word

Psalm 62:8

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

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