God’s Got This
This morning as I was writing in my journal, my mind was filled with the list of all the new Covid travel updates. They seem to change daily and each change requires reconfirming every reservation and reassuring each client.
In my frustration, I called out to God, “Oh Lord, I’m so tired of all the covid propaganda. It’s so hard to know what to believe because of all the lies and cover ups. Our government is corrupt, deceitful and ungodly. Social media is like a wild fire of words spreading quickly and destroying hope, joy and peace. It’s become a platform to debate, mock and force your own opinions.”
As I was speaking this I thought of how many times in the bible that the Israelites felt that way. Over and over they would live by the creed that every man did what he thought was right in his own eyes, then reap the consequences. They pushed God out and then wanted Him to instantly fix the ramifications of their choices.
How foolish we all are! How far we have fallen from God’s good and perfect will. Forgive us Lord! I pray that we will turn from our wicked ways and seek You. Seek You more deeply and passionately than ever before. Seek You. Follow You and obey You.
In my job it seems that Covid is in control – dictating what can and will be allowed. On the nightly news it seems that the whole world is out of control with wars, disasters and rampant sin passed off as personal choice. But when I take my eyes off the world and the media and place them in God’s word I am reminded that the Lord is the One truly in control and He’s got this!
He reminds me that the real enemy is the evil one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. That the enemies desire is for us to take our eyes off of God and focus on the world. He reminds me that we have forgotten our first love and sought after the desires of our own hearts. He reminds me that He is a loving God, full of forgiveness and grace. He reminds me that what the enemy means for evil, He can use for good.
Just spending a few short minutes in God’s word turned my anxious mind and heavy heart into a place of hope and calmness. Imagine what it would do if I passionately followed Him with everything in me! Thank you Lord!
Be Intentional about seeking God.

Praises & Prayers
Father, please forgive us for pushing You out of our lives, homes, schools and nation while in pursuit of our own interests and desires. We were wrong Lord. Help us to turn back to You and passionately seek to rebuild our relationships with You. I pray that we will deal with the consequences of our choices knowing that You will bring us through. You are a Good God. You are in control. Heal our hearts and then heal our lands. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.