Live Boldly

Godly Counsel

In the story of Esther, King Xerxes made several decisions in the heat of the moment which later, he showed signs of regretting. Most of his decisions were made after listening to personal attendants who only had their own best interests in mind.

First it was the decision to banish Vashti for her refusal to be paraded around at his drunken banquet. The attendants suggested that she be removed and punished so that other women, their wives, would not follow suit and disobey them. Years later when King Xerxes’ fury had subsided, he remembered Vashti, meaning he longed for her.

Then he again listened to a proposal from his personal attendants which suggested that a search be made throughout the provinces for beautiful young virgins, who after receiving extended beauty treatments, would be presented to the king so he could choose a new queen. This advise appealed to the king and he followed it. (2 Esther 2:4)

Both of these decisions had life long affects on many people as do the choices we make. A rash decision today has consequences that we may not expect tomorrow.

So where do you go for advise? Who do you listen to? From the story of King Xerxes we can see how important it is to seek out Godly counsel. Asking God in prayer for His advise and direction will not only help us make better choices, but it can also lead us to other believers who have Godly wisdom and discernment that we can benefit from.

Our choices and decision will have lasting affects on those around us and as Godly Women of Influence we can affect others in a way that brings glory and honor to God.

Be Intentional about seeking Godly Counsel

Praises and Prayers

Father, please forgive me when I made rash decisions based on irrational feelings or wrong advise from others. Help me to seek Your counsel and leading and to surround myself with people who will give me Godly advise. Help me to remember that my choices will always affect others. Thank you for Your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Messages from His Word

Psalm 32: 8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

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