God of the Impossible
The stories of Sarah and Elizabeth are beautiful reminders that we serve the God of the impossible. Over and over in the bible we see what seems impossible become reality. The blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised and the barren woman holds a child in her arms. Her child. A miracle from God.
There are many other miraculous possiblities that we tend to overlook. How about when God gives us the courage to face the giants in our lives or when He gives us peace in the storm. How about His mercies that are new everyday and provide us with the grace to continue to live for Him. And don’t forget about His miraculous provision not only in food, a home and clothing, but even more importantly in His daily presence in our lives.
We have all experienced moments that we have felt completely overwhelmed and could not see a favorable outcome. But even in those moments, Our God has already provided the strength, encouragement, comfort and hope that will carry us through if we choose to accept it.
If we focus on the impossible, we usually can only see it in the way that we want it to work out and in the time frame that we desire. But if we look at the many examples in the bible of faith and patience, we will see that God will work it out in the best possible way and at the perfect time.
I was reminded this week of an incredible way that God has made the impossible – possible.
Years ago while at the hospital two Christian men prayed for me and my family. We were separated due to the cancer treaments that my youngest son was going through. I was with him at the hospital while my husband was with our oldest son at home.
The men prayed that through this trial we could come to know the Lord and that our family would be together again. After the treament ended our family was physically together again and in a few years we came to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
A few years later we were again at the hospital because the cancer had returned, this time without a cure. The prayer prayed a few years earlier came to mind and I remember God’s faithfulness. When my son went to be with the Lord that prayer carried more meaning and truth than ever before.
We know the Lord, praise God! And even though we are separated, we will be together again and this time for eternity. All because of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
He has made the impossible – possible. Thank you Lord.
Be Intentional about trusting the God of the Impossible.

Praises & Prayers
Father, Thank you for being the God of the Impossible. I am so grateful that I love and serve a God without limitations. Even when life doesn’t turn out the way that I think it should, Your plan always works out for good. Thank you for all the possibilities that You have given to us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”