Give Me One Day
I was so encouraged by the Soul Retreat prayer. It was like someone had taken the thoughts from my mind and desires of my heart and put them on paper. That’s what I want, intimacy with God. I felt empowered by the words and by the first set of studies that I had reviewed at my retreat.
It was time for a little nap and when I went inside to relax I made the mistake of checking my phone. Three new travel requests were in my inbox plus a text message about a ministry issue. I had left an out of office message on my email, but my mind began to wrestle with thoughts.
My first thought was that it wouldn’t take long to log in to my computer and give them the quotes they had requested.
My second thought was what if I lose their business because they would have to wait a few days for a response.
My third thought was frustration that requests kept coming in and it felt like I couldn’t even take a day off.
My fourth thought was that I better take the dogs for a potty walk…….but the dogs are not even here!
My fifth thought was, what did you just commit to in prayer? To give God my agenda and priorities and let Him sort them out.
I could hear God asking, “Can you give me just one day uninterrupted?”
It was a sad realization of how programmed and tightly wound up I am. My thoughts were all over the place and I had quickly lost the joy and peace that I had felt while spending time with God. Not only had the enemy used work requests, but he also slipped in a ministry issue to try and distract me from alone time with God.
My heart broke as I pictured Jesus standing beside me desiring to give me more than I could imagine and I couldn’t give Him one day without interruption.
Thank you Lord for your patience with me. Thank you for not giving up on me and for loving me unconditionally. I’m ready to try again.
Be Intentional about giving God your full attention.

Praises & Prayers
Lord, please forgive me for not giving You my full attention. You have so much in store for me and I still think that I have to take care of everything. Help me to trust You and be fully present in my time with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 84:10 TPT
For just one day of intimacy with you is like a thousand days of joy rolled into one!