Get Comfortable With Jesus
One thing about Martha was her boldness. There are two recorded instances in the bible where she had no problem venting her frustrations to Jesus. Apparently she was very comfortable with Him and knew that despite her instant reactions, He loved her.
She was comfortable telling Jesus her frustrations with others as she did concerning Mary. Jesus responded by lovingly telling her what really mattered. Next she comfortable telling Jesus about her pain and sorrows when she confronted Him about Lazarus dying. Jesus again in a loving manner with tears in His eyes, encouraged her and reminded her of the resurrection.
Mary was also comfortable with Jesus as she sat at His feet to listen to His teachings and then later fell at His feet for comfort when her brother died. Finally she anointed His feet with her most valued possession to honor Him.
Both women had personal relationships with Jesus which allowed them to approach Him, seek His counsel, cry out to Him and worship Him. This was extraordianary in the culture of the time.
How comfortable are you with Jesus? Do you tell Him your frustrations? Do you cry out to Him in your pain? Do you sit at His feet and learn from Him? Do you worship Him with all that you have?
Of all the relationships that we have, it’s time to get comfortable with the ONE that matters most.
Be Intentional about getting comfortable with Jesus

Praises & Prayers
Father, what a privilege and honor it is to have a relationship with You. I pray that we will make the choice to get comfortable with You. Get to know You. Fall in love with You and worship you without abandon. You are My Everything and I Love You Lord! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Philppians 3:8
Not only these things, but now I think that all things are worth nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Christ, I lost all these things, and now I know that they are all worthless trash. All I want now is Christ.