Live Boldly

Fully Surrendered

This last week has been one of awe and wonder as I’ve seen God working in mighty ways. There have been familiar situations replayed that I’ve expected the same outcomes as I have seen before, but this time the responses are different.

Although the circumstances were the same the difference was a heart that fully surrendered to God.

My husband told me that in the past he found himself in situations which were unpleasant, but direct results of his choices. He would pray for God to rescue him but would only surrender part of the problem. His heart was only to get out of the current trouble and still live the way he wanted to.

Recently he surrendered all to God. Praise God! He said that it’s only by the power of God that he is able to resist the temptations that he had before, but now that he has fully submitted all to God, God is willing to help.

God was always willing, but He waited until my husband was truly ready to change and fully surrender.

I read the story of the two thieves that were on crosses next to Jesus and thought of how similar their stories are to my husbands. Both were in their dire circumstances as a direct result of their choices.

One thief only wanted help to get out off the cross, to get out of the trouble he had gotten himself into. He had no desire to confess his sins and change his ways. In fact he hurled insults at the One who could help him. The other thief acknowledged his sin and recognized that Jesus was his only hope. He fully surrendered to God and was given the promise that he would be with Jesus that very day in paradise.

The thief still had to endure the consequences of his actions but I can’t help but wonder how different those last few hours on the cross were for him knowing that his future now had a promise of being with Jesus.

He knew that the pain would eventually end and in the meantime Jesus was by his side fully understanding what the man was going through. How many times did the man look at Jesus during those last hours and think about the promise he had just received? His view of Jesus changed that day. Earlier in the day he saw him as just another man about to be executed. Now he saw Him as his Savior and Promise Giver.

It’s only in Jesus that we can fully surrender and receive everything in return. His promises give us hope through the suffering and through the changes that come with a surrendered life.

Seeing the daily changes that are taking place in our home and our lives, fills me with awe and wonder at how detailed God is. Our view is changing too. We know Him as our Lord and Savior and we now are seeing Him as our Way Maker.

He is taking our surrendered lives and leading us to the place of promise that He has prepared for us and I am confident that the Creator, who has begun such a great work among us, will not stop in mid-design but will keep perfecting us until the day Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, returns to redeem the world.

My Prayer

Father, You amaze me! Being able to daily see the changes in our lives is humbling and powerful. You make all things new and give us hope that carries us through the tough days and moments. You have a plan for us and I know that You will finish the work You’ve started. In the meantime we can hold tight to You and Your promises until they are fulfilled and we can always look to You knowing that You are right beside us and that You fully understand. I Love You Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Philippians 1: 6

I am confident that the Creator, who has begun such a great work among you, will not stop in mid-design but will keep perfecting you until the day Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, returns to redeem the world.

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