Friendly Counsel
Think about how many times you’ve called a friend or met with them to get their advise. Sometimes just having some girl time can help you unload your thoughts and see things more clearly. What a gift it is to have friends that will give you Godly counsel.
In our society we see many business leaders, politicians and people who surround themselves with “Yes” men; people who will tell them whatever they want to hear.
Over and over in the bible we read different stories and the terrible outcomes of people who accepted advise and counsel from people who just want to tickle their ears. There are also stories of people who tried to kill the messenger when the news didn’t fit their agenda. Many times that messenger was sent by God.
We may enjoy having someone encourage us to do whatever we want, because advise that goes against our wishes is difficult to accept. However, our decisions about whether to follow certain advice must be based on the quality of the advice, not its attractiveness or the majority opinion of our peers.
Think about the advise that Naomi gave to Ruth about going to the threshing floor and laying at the feet of Boaz. That must have sounded so strange to Ruth and imagine the courage it must have taken to follow that advise. But Naomi’s advise was given from a Godly perspective and turned out to be a beautiful example of redemption.
Who’s advise are you listening too? How do you handle counsel that is hard to hear and follow? Do you measure the counsel you receive against God’s word?
We must always separate advice from whatever seems best in our limited perspective and weigh it againts God’s commandments. He will never lead us to do what He had forbidden in His word.
Be Intentional about measuring counsel against Gods’ Word

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for friends who give Godly counsel. Help me to take that counsel and measure it up against Your word. I pray that especially when the counsel is difficult, that I will trust You and obey. Thank you for the many lessons in Your word. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalms 37:30 TPT
God-lovers make the best counselors. Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy.