Live Boldly

Forfeited Peace

Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.  Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:2,6

Sarah’s story is one that showcases the miraculous hand of God in the life of a woman who, like myself, often doubted and worried. Many years had passed since God had first told Abraham that he would be father of a great nation. Then imagine giving birth to the long awaited child at the age of 90 when according to the world’s standards, all hope was lost. But according to God, her child arrived at the very time He had promised.

While reviewing my study notes about today’s passage I came across this statement, “After repeated promises, a visit by two angels, and the appearance of The Lord Himself, Sarah finally cried out with surprise and joy at the birth of her son. Because of her doubt, worry and fear, she had forfeited the peace she could have felt in God’s wonderful promise to her.” In the waiting, Sarah took matters into her own hands trying to force the hand of God. But those actions turned out to only cause trouble that is still present to this day.

As I thought about this I had to ask myself how much of God’s peace have I been forfeiting because I doubt, worry and give into fear? How often do I take matters into my own hands and try to make things happen before their appointed time? Do I truly believe that God is faithful? Do I believe in His promises, especially in the trials of waiting?

At first I tried to justify my actions by stating that I haven’t received visits from angels like Sarah had, but the truth is I have received countless promises from God through His Word and in answer to prayer.

Just today after asking the prayer team at our church for prayer, I was given a word from one of the ladies, “Do not be dismayed.” I instantly knew that it was exactly what God wanted me to hear at that moment, and that He wanted me to dig deeper, with expectation, to discover the rest of His message for me.

That passage comes from Isaiah 41:10, which reads, “So do not fear, for I am with you;  do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Look how many promises from God are given in that one little verse:

  1. I Am with you
  2. I Am your God
  3. I will strengthen you
  4. I will help you
  5. I will uphold you

Sarah’s doubt, worry and fear didn’t change the outcome – they changed what could have been in the waiting. When I do the same, I forefeit the peace and joyful expectation that are available as I patiently wait for God’s perfectly time promises to arrive.

Not only does He give us promises to look forward to, but He also gives us promises to live by each day as we are being prepared, refined, and molded to be made ready to receive the ultimate promise of eternity with Him.

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