Five Smooth Stones
Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine. 1 Samuel 17:40

I had a wonderful God Day the other day. It was a day filled with learning, putting the pieces together, and experiencing God’s presence. It started with prayer and asking God to open my mind to understand scripture. Then continued with time in His Word and reading from each of the bible studies that He gave me for this season in my life. It was incredible how everything worked together.
In the Defiant Joy study, the author challenged the reader to pick up five stones and write on them a challenge that you face, something that you worry about, a fear you have, or a struggle you are dealing with. Then carry them around with you for the week understanding that they are a weight we are not meant to carry. At the end of the week, throw them away and feel the freedom that is available to you when you believe that Jesus has already taken that weight upon Himself.
In the Slaying the Giants in Your Life study, the author mentioned those same issues calling them giants, and challenged the reader to face them with the “stones of truth” – God’s Word. Referring to the story of David and Goliath, David gathered five smooth stones from the creek and in the name of the God of Israel, went to face the massive giant and with a single stone, he slew the enemy.
A very sweet and talented lady named Kathy, painted stones for the Grief Share participants as a gift. Each stone had God’s truth written on it and was meant to encourage those who received them. She even painted a special one for me. Thank you Kathy!
When I look at these stones I’m reminded that I don’t need to carry around the weight of grief, worry, fear, or anxiety that the enemy would like them to be. Instead, I can see those stones as the truth of God that will destroy every lie that the enemy tries to get me to believe. I have the choice of whether I will carry them around as a burden to bear or if I will fling them at the enemy as reminders of truth that will bring freedom.
What would you write on your five smooth stones?