Live Boldly

Filter my feelings through the truth of Your Word

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. – Philippians 4:8

Our emotions are powerful and can range from tears while watching a sad show to road rage while driving in traffic. The ease and speed that our emotions can change our attitudes and mindsets should case us to pay close attention and take appropriate action. While everyone is entitled to their feelings, our feelings need to be constantly filtered by the truth of God’s word. Feelings lead to thoughts which lead to actions. If left unchecked we can easily say and do things we will later regret.

When we filter our feelings through the truth of God’s word we will receive the correct Godly perspective. For example, we may feel insecure about our identity but God’s Word tells us not to fear, because we have been redeemed, called by name and belong to God. We are beautifully and wonderfully made. We are Daughters of The King.

Sometimes we worry about the what ifs in life, but His Word tells us to think about whatever is true, lovely and praiseworthy. None of those things describe worry.

When we are tempted He always provides a way out if we will apply His Word to the situation and chose to take His Way of escape. Jesus Himself applied God’s Word when tempted by saying, “It is written!” Then He quoted God’s word and eventually the enemy (the tempter) left.

What thoughts, feeling and actions in your life need to be filtered through the Truth of God’s Word today? His Word has an answer and will provide guidance for anything and everything.

    Father, Thank you for Your Word and I pray that I will daily apply its truth to my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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