Faithful One
Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem,
look around and consider,
search through her squares.
If you can find but one person
who deals honestly and seeks the truth,
I will forgive this city. Jeremiah 5:1

Today I read a few chapters in the book of Jeremiah. God called this young man to deliver a powerful message to His people who were living in a way that closely resembles our world today. People were seeking their own interests and had completely left God out of their daily lives. They only listened to messages that supported their lustful desires and they followed leaders who only looked for opportunities for their own financial and social gain.
Jeremiah’s message started as a warning for those who would listen but then became a message that prophesied the coming destruction that was a judgment from God because of their refusal to repent and turn back to Him.
Today’s passage is a sad realization that not one faithful person was found. The devastating invasion from Babylon occurred just as Jeremiah prophesied it would.
But for us, there is hope in today’s passage. The Word said that if ONE faithful person could be found, God would forgive the city. Think about the impact your testimony in your family, work environment, neighborhood, or community can have. You may be the only witness for God among many people and in God’s eyes, that can make a tremendous difference.
The way you live your life for Christ is a witness to others about the grace, love, and forgiveness offered by our Savior, Jesus Christ. People see the peace that is beyond understanding and want to know where you find it. They see the supernatural strength in you when you fight battles and face the storms of life. They see the joy in you because you know the hope of eternity amid suffering and pain.
That is what “Christ in me” means, and that is what will proclaim to a lost and hurting world, “My God Reigns!”
What a privilege we have been given to be a witness for Him! To live in a personal relationship with Jesus, knowing that He is always with us and will never lead us astray. To be His messengers of hope and a better life here on earth while waiting for the promise of eternity.
Today, ask yourself, “Am I being faithful with that blessed calling to share Him with the world?” And then remind yourself that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.