Exercising Faith
Years ago I decided to take up running as a positive way of filling some of my time when I became an empty nester. On the first day I took off running and within a couple of minutes I was completely out of breath and had only covered a short distance. Not at all what I expected. Over time I learned that many different components went into making a good run. Proper stretching, training, breathing techniques and even the way I tied my shoes all became factors in reaching the finish line.
Likewise our faith is something that must be exercised in order to grow. Faith is not testing God by jumping off a bridge and expecting Him to save us or by sitting still and doing nothing when God has provided ways that require our participation. Growing in our faith at times may involve stillness and patience, but it can also requires us to take an active role in its development.
Jochebed could have said, “If this child is to be the deliver of Israel, then God will somehow spare him; there’s nothing I can do.” But instead she exercised her faith knowing that God expects us to do our part and then He will do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves.
To exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is to accept Him as our Savior and live in accordance with His will through repentance and obedience to His commandments. His word tells us that if we love Him, we will obey Him which requires action. To exercise our faith and build spiritual muscles, we must fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will be able to know when to wait, when to be still, when to go and when to take action. Each activity plays a part in developing our faith in the One who makes all things possible.
Jochebed waiting until the babe was 3 months old then took action to place him in a basket on the river. Again she waited while trusting in God’s deliverance and in time was blessed to hold her child in her arms again. Her faith was tested and with each test grew stronger as she saw God working in every detail of her circumstances.
We have the privilege of reading about the faith of Jochebed and like her, we too are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who are watching how we respond to the challenges of life with faith. The bible tells us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles (unbelief…..the opposite of faith) and to run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
When we choose to follow the direction given in God’s Word, we are sure the reach the finish line and know as the apostle Paul did, that we have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, we have kept the faith.
Be Intentional about exercising your faith.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for Your Word that shows us the way to put our faith in You and to grown in that faith. Help us to be still and patient when it’s required, but also help us to move and be active when it is called for. We want to run the race well and finish knowing that we have kept the faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word.
2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.