Ebenezer Stones
Did you know that you have Ebenezer stones? That might surprise you and make you wonder what they are. The name Ebenezer means stone of help and it was the name Samuel gave to a stone as a memorial to help the people remember what God had done for them.
Samuel used stones as a memorial when God’s people wanted to remember His goodness and faithfulness. First Samuel 7:12 says that when God enabled the Israelites to defeat the Philistines, the Prophet Samuel “took a stone and … named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far has the Lord helped us.’”
I was speaking with a lady the other day and she measured all her life events by monumental moments; after the move in 1974 or that happened before the accident. I’m sure you’ve heard others or even done the same yourself.
Monumental moments leave a lifelong impression, they change your whole world and mark a turning point in your life. The Ebenezer rock was set up to remind people what God had done for them. How about you? Do you have monumental moments where God has delivered you? Changed you? Carried you? All throughout the bible are stories of people who set up monuments to remember.
As I was reading about the Ebenezer stone I came across a message from Anne Graham Lotz:
“When God laid the foundations of the earth,
hung the stars in place,
set the planets in their orbits,
halted the proud waves on the shore,
wrapped the sea in clouds of mist,
and taught the dawn to take the earth by its edges,
all of the angels shouted for joy at the magnificent display of God’s glory and power in Creation!”
“When have you, too, shouted for joy over the display of God’s glory wrapped up in His character in each day of every year for your entire life?”
That’s what Ebenezer stones are all about, telling others about how God is working in your life and giving Him all the praise and glory. It’s a privilege we get to share with others, but do we?
In Luke 19:40 Jesus said, “If we keep quiet (and don’t praise God), the stones will cry out.” Why would you and I remain silent, forfeiting to stones the joy of praising God for what He has done? I don’t have a stone monument built in my yard to remind me about all that God has done, but I do have a voice and I can tell others all about those moments.
The point is letting others know that we serve an awesome God who is eager to bless us and be a part of our lives, in the hopes that they will want the same, a relationship with Jesus.
Like I mentioned in the beginning of this post, we all have Ebenezer stones, we have been saved and even the Angels in heaven celebrated that moment. We all have experienced God’s goodness and faithfulness. Don’t be like Ebenezer Scrooge who was greedy with all he had, reserving it for himself. We get to share God with others, so let’s get out there and tell others about the monuments in our lives that remind us what God has done for us.
My Prayer
Father, thank you for the many monumental moments that You have given me. You saved me. Rescued me over and over. Encouraged me. Loved me and so many more. Help me to share those memories with others especially those who don’t know You. I pray it will create a desire in them to know You more. You are amazing Lord. You are My God My Everything. In Jesus name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
1 Samuel 7:12
“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”