Do You Trust Me?
When I hear the words, do you trust me, I’m often reminded of the times when people are working on trust building exercises like falling backwards into the arms of those who promise to catch them. It’s an adrenaline filled challenge that quickly reveals your level of trust in those involved.
We can also feel that same anxiousness when God asks if we trust Him. Do you trust me with your loved ones? Your marriage? Your finances? Your health? Our response reveals our level of trust in God. Many times we hold tight to these things because we love and treasure them and we think we know better how to handle them. This can easily cause what we treasure to become our idols.
Often God wants us to trust Him by surrendering those things that are dearest to us so that our hearts will keep Him first. In keeping Him first we are truly and fully trusting in Him. That surrendering is our act of falling into the arms of One who will always catch us.
Imagine the trust it took for Jochebed to place her baby in a basket on the Nile river. In surrendering her child to the hands of God, she was actually placing him in the best place possible. The same is true of our loved ones. When we release them to God we can rest assured that His watchful eye is upon them and we can place our focus and trust back where it should be – on God.
Be Intentional about trusting in the One who will always catch you.

Praises & Prayers
Father, I pray that You will help me to fully trust in You and to surrender the things I hold dear into Your loving care. I want to keep You first in my heart and life and I know that You are better able to handle all the details. Thank you for Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 31:14
But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, “You are my God!”