Live Boldly

Do It Anyway

I was reading a booklet called “From the Pit to the Palace” by Johan Schep about the life of Joseph this week and came across a timely reminder of how to live from his example.

The author writes,

People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind the people may accuse you of wrong motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the Best. It may never be enough. Give the Best anyway. Your life is a relationship between you and Jesus in you.

Joseph had all types of trials and disappointments in his life yet through it all he chose to trust God and grew in his relationship with Him. Favored by his father, hated by his brothers, sold into slavery and raise to a position of royalty. He was lied about and forgotten yet in the midst of every circumstance he chose to serve with a right heart.

In the waiting he learned to trust God’s timing and because of his relationship with God he was able to forgive those who used and mistreated him.

The last line of the quote above really made me stop and think. “Your life is a relationship between you and Jesus in you.”

Just after reading that quote my weekend quiet time was interrupted with a text and phone call from a stranded traveler. My first fleshly thought was that I didn’t want to be bothered on my day off. The next thought was that God was giving me an opportunity to put those words into practice.

With the thought of “help them anyway” I was able to take care of the situation within a few minutes and with a right attitude. I was placed in a position to help someone else and given the choice to choose my attitude in my response.

Thank you Lord for Your perfect timing!

My Prayer

Father, I thank you for the many examples in Your word of people who lived for You and in right relationships with You. I want to be a person like that. Thank you for opportunities to practice what You are teaching me and for allowing me to live this life in relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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