Daily Diligence
Daily, Lydia made her way to the riverside where she prayed and worshipped God. She knew that in order to successfully meet the stiff competition of the local traders, she needed grace as well as knowledge.
Often we get so caught up in our daily affairs that we neglect what is most important, time with God. It’s during this one on one time that we receive peace and understanding. God is very willing to guide and direct those who are willing to take the time to ask and then follow through with His direction.
How much better is your day when it begins with God? How many times have the worries of the day faded away while resting in His presense?
He already knows what the day will bring, why not take the first moments of the day to meet with Him and receive direction and wisdom before begining your daily tasks.
Daily diligence paid off for Lydia when she met Paul. On that day she heard the rest of the story and gave her life to Christ. She was forever changed and her life became one of faithful service in the name of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Be Intentional about being diligent in prayer and worship.

Praises & Prayers
Father, You always show up in the most unique ways. I pray that diligence will become part of our character as we follow You. Help us to stay the course and trust that You will guide us every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.