I watched a movie a few months ago called, “I feel pretty.” It was about a girl who had no confidence, then bumped her head and she had it. What she did with it was amazing at first, but her confidence was found in beauty and it didn’t last.
I’ve thought about the movie often and I know I don’t always have the confidence I should. We have confidence that comes from our identity in Christ and it will always be. But I don’t always live in that confidence.
Shortly after watching the movie I had a dream that I was in a room with a lot of people, a little girl was with me and Jesus was there. He asked if anyone needed anything and every hand was raised.
The little girl asked me if I was going to raise my hand. I didn’t want to bother Him because I was sure that the others needed things more than I did. She kept looking at me and I finally raised my hand.
Jesus walked straight over to me. He was beautiful and looked like the picture that the young girl, Akaine painted. He kindly asked me what my question was. The young girl had just asked me if I had a question for Him before He came over.
I looked into His beautiful eyes and knew that everyone in the room was seeing Him, that all their hurts would be healed and that no one would be missed. Although it looked like I had His full attention – everyone did. He may be speaking to me and looking at me, but He was doing the same with them at the same time – all eyes forward on our all-knowing, all seeing and ever present Savior.
As I stared into His face my heart asked my question which was really an issue that weighed heavy on my mind. “Lord, I don’t want to let you down and disappoint you.” My eyes filled with tears as a I lowered them. His response was, “As if you could.” He said it with such loving kindness, such grace and acceptance.
I don’t know who the little girl was, maybe a younger version of me, but I do know that He is more than enough for everyone. That He sees us and loves us. He wants to hear from us and we shouldn’t hesitate because of a lack of confidence.
His word says we can approach the thrown with boldness. Nothing is too big or small for our God. He is our confidence. He created us. He wants a relationship with us. I pray that our hesitations will not keep us from Him.
Approach Him with the confidence that He will listen with love, pour out His grace and shower you with acceptance that will change you forever.
My prayer
Father, I am in awe of You. Thank you for showing me Your love in such a beautiful and personal way. Your acceptance is all that matters. Your love never ends. Help me to live with boldness and confidence in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
Hebrews 4:16
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Luke 1:37
“For nothing is impossible with God.”