And because you belong to Christ you are complete, having everything you need. Christ is ruler over every other power and authority. – Colossians 2:10 ERV

I absolutely love when Jesus sits me down and explains the life lessons He has been walking me through. Over the last few weeks I have had a couple of situations where my own insecurities have revealed the incompleteness that exists in my life. Those same issues, which seem to be so obvious in the lives of others, have been hiding behind the emotions of pride and ambition in my own life.
When I met with Jesus this morning He graciously opened my eyes to see that when I feel the need to prove my worth by the work I do, the money I make or the activities I participate in, I am striving to receive acceptance from the world. I’m trying to measure up to the world’s standards of what it perceives will give value, significance and validation to people.
The problem is that the world’s standards are wrong. Influence, money, appearance and position are just paper thin, shaky facades that hide a person’s heart felt desire to matter. All are moving targets in this ever changing, demanding world and will lead us down a never ending road of discouragement and frustration. All our efforts to obtain acceptance in this world will never be enough.
We want to matter. We want to be noticed and we want to be accepted. The truth is…..we are.
In Christ………we are complete.
- We are loved unconditionally by the Savior of this world. – Romans 8:38-39
- We are Daughter’s of The King – “ You are all God’s children because you have believed in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:26
- We are filled with purpose and have been since before the creation of the world. – Ephesians 1:4
- We are enough in Christ – “You are God’s masterpiece.” – Ephesians 2:10
- We are noticed. “You are the God who sees me.” – Genesis 16:13
- We are accepted. ” You are mine.” – Isaiah 43:1
And because we are “In Christ” we can love others. Forgive their faults. Understand that they are also incomplete and looking for this amazing hope, peace, joy and security that we have “In Christ.”