Compelled By Love
If I had to summerize the character of Ruth in one statement it would be, “Compelled by Love.” I imagine that she had intense moments of grief, cried tears quietly as she tried to sleep, felt true loneliness and was overwhelmed at times. But regardless of how she was personally feeling, she was always more concerned for the welfare others.
It made me stop and ask myself, “when was the last time I did something because I was compelled by love?” Not because it was what I was suppose to do or something I should do, but doing it completely from a heart driven by love. Then God graciously gave me an opportunity to do just that.
A couple of weeks ago we had friends visit us for a weekend retreat. We’ve traveled with them for the last several years on many trips and I knew that the weekend would involve a lot of alcohol. From past experience I knew that I would be the one cooking, cleaning and driving and at first my attitude was one of dread.
God has me studying about friendship this entire month for a reason. He has many lessons to teach me and they are usually filled with hands on opportunities to practice what I’m learning.
After a day full of drinking our friends and my husband had basically passed out. While I was cleaning up the area my mind was full of wrong thoughts, self pity and judgement. The last thing on my mind was to serve them in love.
The following morning as I was complaining to God in my quiet time, He simply said, “Love them.” He reminded me that His mercies are new everyday so why shouldn’t mine be also. Jesus was compelled to love me, to die for me, one who didn’t deserve it and here I was withholding love from others.
It was a new day and they were all feeling the effects of the day before and what they needed was a good breakfast made and served with a heart that was compelled to love.
I thank God that His mercies are new every day because I need them every day. I believe that the lessons in friendship this month with continue to show me areas where I can love more like He loves.
Be Intentional about showing love and mercy.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for Your grace and mercy in my life. Please forgive me for withholding them from others. Thank you for the opportunity to correct my heart and actions and I pray that my character will someday be described as one who was compelled by love. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.