In the first story of Martha in the Bible, Martha is comparing herself to her sister Mary. She is doing all the work and her sister is lounging about and Martha is frustrated with the unfairness of it all.
As women, we tend to do this a lot. We compare ourselves to the other ladies at church, in our jobs and in the check out lines at the grocery store. We use others as a measuring stick for our own self worth.
When we look at others and feel like they have it all and we are stuck with the short end of the stick……resentment starts to build. “Why does so and so get to stay home with her kids while I have to work two jobs?” or “Wow, she should be on the cover of Style magazine and I’m lucky to have socks that match.”
The thing about comparison is that we never see the whole picture. The woman staying home may have been searching for work for a long time or maybe has an illness that prevents her from working. The woman that always looks like a millon bucks might be in a bad marriage where she’s abused and feels alone.
Social media only adds to the comparions. Pictures always portray happy homes, wonderful vacations and the look of a perfect life. But we can’t see their hearts. They don’t post the tantrums, the burnt dinners or the weight gain for all to see.
The Bible asks us this question, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
The truth is, not matter how their lives look on the outside, God is at work in every story. No two stories are exactly the same and comparison doesn’t change their story or yours, it just steals your joy.
“Instead of compaing yourself to others, keep others in your prayers remembering that they too may be struggling. Our stories are different. We each have our own story to live, none of us are on the same page or share the same ending. So don’t compare yourself to anyone else. The only thing we have in common with each other’s stories is the author.” (
Be Intentional about not comparing yourself to others.

Praises & Prayers
Father, Thank you for making each of us perfectly unique. Help me to see others as You do. Forgive me for compairing and making my own life seem like less than You have blessed me with. In Jesus’ name, amen
Messages from His Word
Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.