Checkpoints along the way
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds. – Psalm 77:11-12

One of my favorite pages in the Royal Records book is called checkpoints along the way. It’s a page that prompts you to write down your expectations, your memorable moments and the harvest that you reaped during the month while applying the theme of the month.
The best part about reviewing a past month’s journal entries is the opportunity to see just how God has been working in your life. Re-reading your daily tasks, prayer requests and new discoveries in His Word, are bold reminders that God is ever present in your life, providing, teaching, correcting and encouraging.
As I was reviewing last month’s journal entires, I was in awe of the many answered prayers, His incredible provision for each and every task, the clear direction and correction He gave, and the changes in my attitude that took place when I listened and obeyed His leading. It was like watching a highlights reel of my life and all the little individual moments became a beautiful picture of life in motion with God.
Many times in the Bible people were encouraged to remember what the Lord had done for them and as we review our journals, we will see God’s faithfulness in full color. I get so excited placing a checkmark in the answered box beside a prayer request. I am in awe of how a new discovery in God’s Word came at the perfect moment that I needed to hear it. And my heart is renewed to keep pressing forward in prayer and learning as I expectantly wait for God’s timing and answers to each and every past and future moment.