Changing Seasons
Today as I was looking out my window taking in the scenery I was reminded that’s it time for change. The leaves on the trees are the most incredible colors, the air is crisp and cool as the fog on the mountain tops hints of the rain and snow to come.
The changes that are taking place in nature are completely out of my control and will happen no matter how badly I long to keep warmer weather present.
But I also sense that seasons in my life are changing. I feel the call of God to not just hunker down for the winter, but in this season of the world slowing down, He wants me to dig deep and use this season to know Him more.
In the slower pace of the winter months, it’s a good time to reflect on all that God has done and is doing in the world around us. Think of the many ways that He has carried us and brought us through one of the most unsettling years we have ever known. Think about His faithfulness. His love. His provision and His presence.
Has your heart towards Him changed? Have you found reasons to thank and praise Him? Do you believe that He is working this all for the good of those who believe?
God is active even if we can’t see His activity. It may not be as visible as the changing leaves on the trees, but just because we can’t discern or detect what He’s doing, doesn’t mean He isn’t working. And what may feel like a lack of intervention is not a sign of His lack of affection.
This season of change provides some of the most vivid assurances that God is every present and active in the world around us. It’s also a reminder that change is necessary. The cold dormant months make ways for the lively new life of spring.
I pray that we will embrace the changes and seek to see God working in and through them.
Be Intentional about accepting Godly change in your life.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the beautiful changes that we see every day in nature. Your creation is amazing. Help us to embrace the necessary changes in our lives and to lean into You and trust that You will work it all for our good. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.