As I began reading the the introduction to the book of Matthew in my bible, I had to re-read one section which said, “Matthew was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. Once a despised tax collector, Matthew’s life had been changed by this man from Galilee.” I believe that the same could be said of every believer, our lives have been forever changed because of Jesus.
To say that Mary’s life was changed by Jesus is quite an understatement. From the moment that the angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her that she was to be the mother of the Son of God her life was forever changed. She would see Him arrive as her baby son, and she she would watch Him die as her Savior. Life as she knew it in the little town of Nazareth changed the moment she said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to be fulfilled.”
How has your life changed because of Jesus? Perhaps there have been changes in your relationships, your home or your job. Like Mary, there may be people who don’t understand and who persecute you because of Jesus. You may have left a worldly life behind and have had to learn to live differently, to live changed. And it’s more than worth it.
There is a song by Hillsong called “I will never be the same again,” that is a powerful worship song, a praise to God for the change that His presence in our lives has made. Many times over the years I have looked back and said, “Praise God! I will never be the same again.” He has changed me, made me a new creation and given me a new life in Him.
As we study the life of Mary we will discover that a changed life, because of Christ, is well worth any pain or suffering that comes with true commitment. What we experience in a personal relationship with Jesus cannot compare to anything this world has to offer.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the coming into my life and creating change. I need You Lord and I’m so blessed that I will never be the same again. I want to be more like You and honor you with my life. I am Yours Lord, have Your way in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Luke 1:38
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.