Live Boldly

  • Live Boldly

    Grief Share

    How fitting that the message yesterday was on God’s timing and the bible story was about Lazarus, a man who had just died. I believe that God is preparing me for the upcoming series of Grief Share. Grief Share is a program that helps people who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. The theme is, “Turning your mourning into Joy,” and I have experienced this first hand. Years ago I attended a secular grief program to help me navigate through the loss of my son Brock. The program was lead by some wonderful people and I met others in the group who have become lifelong friends. But…

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  • Live Boldly

    Jesus Timing

    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,    neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8 We live in a right now society. Everthing has to be instantaneous, warp speed and faster than ever. Perhaps that’s why it is so difficult to trust in God’s timing, which is a universal truth that we, just like our friends Mary and Martha and the disciples, have to learn. When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”  Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.  So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was…

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  • Live Boldly

    Send Word

    How fortunate we are to live in a time when we can communicate a need in a matter of moments. Texting, social media and cell phones are all very useful to send the word out that help is needed. The responses can also be instantaneous and bring encouragment and hope in a few seconds. Our story of Mary and Martha continues with dire news. Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 (This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.) 3 So the sisters sent word…

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  • Live Boldly


    One thing that we know Martha did very well was offer hospitality. How many of us could handle a dozen people showing up unannounced for dinner and a sleep over? I know that I would worry about having enough food, places to sit and if my home was ready for company. But hospitality isn’t about cloth napkins folded just right or every speck of dust being swept clean. It’s about making your guests feel welcome and extending grace and love to all who enter. You can be just as hospitable serving a bologna sandwich as you can a gourmet meal. It all about your heart. Remember the words that Jesus…

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  • Live Boldly

    Holy Balance

    The story of Mary and Martha shows us two women whom Jesus loved dearly. Both women have characteristics that we should seek to incorporate in our own lives; devotion to God and service to others. The lesson that Jesus was teaching by sharing this story in His word, is to develop a Holy Balance. He desires the devoted worship of Mary and the loving service of Martha in our lives. Both are needed to truly love and serve as Jesus did. To make this happen we need to first sit at His feet while He fills us up and then go out in the world and perform acts of loving…

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  • Live Boldly

    Sunday Syndrome

    Have you ever found yourself enjoying the weekend and then about mid day on Sunday you begin to think about the week ahead and the tasks that you need to perform? Those thoughts instantly bring an end to your blissful weekend. You no longer are living in the moment and your mind has moved forward at warp speed to begin processing the next day and week. I call this Sunday Syndrome. I can’t imagine how many moments I’ve missed because of Sunday Syndrome. Worry and anxiousness rob me of precious hours of peace and rest. This is the very thing that Jesus was speaking about when He said, “But seek…

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  • Divine Encounters

    A Week of Encounters

    This week has been an extraordianary week for Divine Encounters. The first one started off with a client wanting to meet personally about some airline tickets. I was a bit hesitant, but only because it would require me to get moving earlier than I wanted on a Monday morning. It would not be a wear your PJ’s to work kind of day. While waiting for our appointment I prayed about which devotional I should read. The Lord led me to one of my favoirite sites and I scrolled through the topics. When I read the heading Psalm 40 I was intrigued and began reading. It spoke to the very…

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  • Live Boldly

    Get Comfortable With Jesus

    One thing about Martha was her boldness. There are two recorded instances in the bible where she had no problem venting her frustrations to Jesus. Apparently she was very comfortable with Him and knew that despite her instant reactions, He loved her. She was comfortable telling Jesus her frustrations with others as she did concerning Mary. Jesus responded by lovingly telling her what really mattered. Next she comfortable telling Jesus about her pain and sorrows when she confronted Him about Lazarus dying. Jesus again in a loving manner with tears in His eyes, encouraged her and reminded her of the resurrection. Mary was also comfortable with Jesus as she sat…

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  • Live Boldly

    Resting In Him, Is Not Lazy

    There is always too much to do! In our hurried and frenzied world we run around preparing, cooking, cleaning and so many other things that we can’t even imagine what it would be like to sit down and enjoy the company of others. Serving others and meeting their needs is a great thing, but so is taking a break to refocus and recognize what’s really important. Martha was basically accusing Mary of being lazy, but the truth was that Mary was focusing on being in the presence of God. God gives us abilities and talents and wants us to be productive, but not at the expense of time to rest…

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  • Live Boldly

    Scheduling – Give It To God

    Whether you are a to do list type of person or a fly by the seat of your pants personality, at some point we all have schedules to deal with. Schedules for work, school, church, exercise, doctor’s appointments and so much more. Scheduling is where priorities come together on paper or electronically if that’s your thing and trying to figure out how to fit it all in can be exhausting. That’s where we can learn from Martha’s example. When she was frustrated she took it to Jesus. When she was hurt and overwhelmed, she took it to Jesus. Whatever you’re facing, no matter how big or small, you can always…

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