Live Boldly

  • Live Boldly

    Blessed Is She Who Has Believed

    You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said. – Luke 1:45 Do you believe in the promises of God? After all He is infinitely powerful, completely trustworthy and ever loving. One of the key verses in the story of Mary is that she was blessed because she believed. Sometimes we just need a reminder of what God has promised and those reminders are found in His Word. Below are 10 promises of God just for you. Spend time in His Word to discover even more and experience what it’s like to be blessed. God promises to strengthen you. … God promises to give you…

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  • Live Boldly

    The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise

    The Magnificat is Latin for “My soul magnifies the Lord.” It contains the worlds that Mary said after she was first visited by the angel Gabriel and is found in Luke 1: 46-55. Mary’s Prophetic Song  And Mary sang this song:     “My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God! My spirit bursts with joy over my life-giving God!For he set his tender gaze upon me, his lowly servant girl.    And from here on, everyone will know    that I have been favored and blessed. The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me;    holy is his name! Mercy kisses all who fear him,    from one generation to the next.Mighty power flows from him    to scatter all those who…

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  • Live Boldly

    The Bigger Picture

    The story of the Mary becomes quiet for sometime after the Jerusalem visit when they found Jesus at the temple. After that she is only mentioned a few times between Jesus’ temple visit and Jesus’ death. She was present at Jesus’ first public miracle – when he turned the water to wine at the marriage ceremony in Cana and the next record of her is when she and her other sons came to visit Jesus while he was intently teaching a large crowd.  Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. Someone told him, “Your mother and…

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  • Divine Encounters

    Straighten Your Crown

    As the holidays approach my job has become more and more busy. People are excited to be seeing family that they missed with the lock down a year ago and they are planning their winter get-a-ways more with each passing snow storm. One day last week it felt as though I was struggling to keep my head above water when I moved some files from my desk and a note card fell out on the floor. The note read, “Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown! Thank you Lord!! That perfectly timed message put a huge smile on my face and reminded me that…

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  • Live Boldly

    The Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

    The bible tells us that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. I imagine that Mary, like most mothers was very proud of her son and excited to see Him learning and maturing. He began to call disciples to follow Him and on one occasion ended up at a wedding in Cana. Mary was with Him. During the celebration the wine supply ran out which would have caused great embarrassment to the hosts. But Mary brought the situation to Jesus and informed the servants to do whatever He asked. She took the problem to the one who could help and in faith was prepared to…

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  • Live Boldly

    Pierced Her Soul

    Jesus’ father and mother were speechless with surprise at these words. Simeon went on to bless them, and said to Mary his mother, This child marks both the failure and    the recovery of many in Israel,A figure misunderstood and contradicted—    the pain of a sword-thrust through you—But the rejection will force honesty,    as God reveals who they really are. – Luke 2:33-35 I can hardly imagine all the thoughts and emotions that Mary experienced as the mother of Jesus. This young girl was encouraged by angels, her cousin Elizabeth, the shepherds, the wise men and now Simeon and Anna. Prophesies were being fulfilled in the most miraculous ways and future events were predicted…

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  • Live Boldly

    Treasured in Her Heart

    Have you ever noticed that when a new baby is born and the mother is telling you about the details of the birth, you are reminded of the birth of your own child. Instantly all the fine details come to mind and you are taken back to the moments that changed your life forever. The bible tells us that when the shepherds told Mary all the details of the angel’s message that she treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. There was also a second time when those same words are recorded. It was when Jesus was 12 years old and they lost him in Jerusalem.…

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  • Live Boldly

    A Life of Dedication

    When Jesus was a few months old his parents took Him to the temple to dedicate Him to the Lord as the law required. When they arrived they were met by two elderly people named Simeon and Anna. Simeon knew that in his lifetime he would see the Messiah and Anna was a widow who never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Moved by the Spirit, Simeon went into the temple courts and when he saw the child he took Him in his arms and praised God. Coming up to them at that very moment, Anna also gave thanks to God and spoke about the…

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  • Live Boldly

    A Different Direction

    Divine guidance comes to hearts prepared to receive it. The Wise men had found the child they had long been searching for and were about to return back to Jerusalem to tell Herod, but they were warned in a dream by God not to return to Jerusalem so they returned to their country by another route. When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” Finding Jesus may mean that your life must take…

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  • Live Boldly

    Wise Men Still Seek Him

    You’ve no doubt heard the TV commercial that asks, “What you would do for a Klondike bar?” Sometimes is silly to think about what we would do for something as insignificant as ice cream, but the truth is that people can do some pretty extreme things to get what they desire. The wise men that journeyed to see Jesus, the newborn King, traveled hundreds of miles. Their dedication to see Him for themselves and bring gifts was so intense that nothing could stop them. Imagine their surprise when they arrived in Jerusalem and asked about the newborn king and learned that King Herod and all Jerusalem didn’t even know that…

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