Live Boldly
This is the day!
This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 At the beginning of the year, I received a calendar from a vendor I work with. As I looked through the pages I wondered what would happen this year. While I do have some plans, most of the days, just like in the calendar, are blank. About a week later I read a devotional that said to imagine getting a package in the mail on January 1st and in that package was a personalized calendar. Each day of the year was already filled in with every event, emotion, and activity that would take place…
Unleash the Power of God’s Word In My Life
I am Loved by God
In Christ, I am Loved
To My Daughter _________________, (insert your name) I want to tell you just how much you mean to Me. Before the world began, I decided that it would need someone just like you for this specific time and place in history. Someone who would shine like the stars in a dark world and who would tell others about Me. A precious daughter who would desire to spend time with Me in a relationship like no other. With great care I formed you and stitched you together knowing that each and every detail would equip you for your journey ahead. In My eyes, you are beautifully and wonderfully made. Never forget…
Unleash the Power of God’s Word In My Life
Lord, You are my Reason to Hope
In Christ, I have A Reason to Hope
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5 Putting your hope in the things of this world will surely lead to disappointment. People will let you down either by choice or simply because you’ve placed a wrong expectation on them. Circumstances change, tragedies happen, health deteriorates and money loses its value. Striving to find a spark of hope in them, or a sense of peace, love and comfort is futile. Chasing after them will become overwhelming and discouraging because they were never meant to last. Real hope is found in God alone. Jesus’…
But Daniel resolved… Daniel 1:8 Long before the night in the lion’s den, Daniel made a decision that would define him for the rest of his life. He resolved to obey God’s law and worship Him only, regardless of the consequences. As young men, Daniel and his three friends were taken captive to a foreign land that wouldattempt to indoctrinate their lifestyle, their faith, and their identity. This ungodly nation would testtheir resolve again and again. When jealous men tried to trap Daniel they could find no fault in him. There was nothing they could use against him except his complete devotion to God. They knew he would not compromise…
What does God say?
Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path it shows how life should be lived. Psalm 119:105 EXB Like many of you, I’m tired of all the dirt, darkness, and lies that this year’s political circus has created. I’ve found myself doubting everything that is printed or broadcast by either side. I can see the pure evil in so many of the issues that face our country and demand our vote. Some are so veiled with misleading words that their true intentions are masked with deception in order to steal support for the promoting parties’ political gain and agendas. Meanwhile, each party is out…
Frustrating or Refining
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19-20 The other day I had a beautiful time of understanding from God. It was one of those moments when my ears were ready to listen and my heart was ready to receive. I was reviewing my week and had listed several situations that had caused frustration in the hopes of writing them out to get them off my chest. Those writing moments often allow me to see the bigger picture and quite frequently, I see that I do the same things that cause me to be…
Unleash the Power of God’s Word In My Life
Lord, give me Mountain Moving Faith
In Christ, I have Mountain Moving Faith
For with God, nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37 Mt. Everest, Kilimanjaro and the Grand Tetons are just a few famous mountains that fill you with awe and wonder at God’s creation especially when you consider that He spoke them into existence. Every stony peak, winding trail and rugged ridge were designed with intention. The thought of commanding them to move is a bit overwhelming, but also empowering when you believe that in Christ, you have power to move the mountains that exist in your own life. Mountains of doubt, fear and worry can often reach higher elevations than those made of dirt, stone and trees. They loom large when they…