Live Boldly

Called with purpose

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Before the foundation of the world, the Lord had you in mind.  He created you for the purpose of having a personal relationship with Him that would not only help you navigate through this life but would also bring promises of eternal glory with Him in the next.

His plan was not only to save you from your sins but to redeem you, and make you a new creation in Christ, as you share His life and love with others as His ambassador here on earth.  

His purpose for you, of living a life that glorifies Him, comes with a massive promise that He, your Sovereign Lord, will govern all things. All the pain and all the pleasure that you will ever experience in this life will help you fulfill your God-given purpose in ways you never could imagine.

In that promise, you can rest assured that when the trials and tribulations of this world surround you, God will use what the enemy meant for evil, for your good.  He will make you more than a conqueror and your victory over each and every one of them will be living proof to the world that your God reigns.  

Your purpose is not just about you; it’s about what God wants to do through you.  His plan and purpose for your life were carefully thought out from the heart of your loving Father who has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. 

When you hold tight to His purpose and promise you will experience stability, strength, confidence, and peace like never before, regardless of your circumstances.  Because you know that every moment of your life is filtered through the loving hands of God.  

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