For the last few months I have tried not to use the word busy. I think it is a word that has lost its value from over use. Busy doing what? It was a busy day. I have to much to do, I’m so busy. Busy at first appears to give us value and is often seen as a status symbol. But the truth is that it robs us of any real interaction.
Martha was a very busy woman. So much so that she was worried and upset over what she felt like was unfairness where Mary was concerned.
When I avoided using the word busy in my conversations I was surprised at how aware of my actual activities I became. I wasn’t as busy and I had claimed to be or thought I was. It had become a way that I could hide behind my regular routines and shut down the possibilities of new options. In truth, being busy had become an excuse not to participate.
That’s what happen with Martha. She had allowed busyness to dictate her value and justify her inability to spend time with Jesus.
Once I limited my use of the word busy, I started to see open time in my schedule and began to fill that time with better things. Don’t allow busyness to keep you from precious time with Jesus.
Be Intentional about not using busy as an excuse to interact with Jesus and others.

Praises & Prayers
Lord, please forgive me for using the busy excuse to avoid spending time with You and others. Help me to better schedule my day so that I have the correct priorities and can be available for anything and anyone that You place in my path. Thank you for never being to busy for me Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Luke 10:40
But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”