Divine Encounters

Broken But Complete

I read in a recent bible study that our brokenness, the lessons learned in it and through it, along with the character that it develops, makes us complete.

I imagined God speaking to me before I came to earth, knowing the number of my days and the trials I would face, how the enemy would do his worst, but God would use it for good. It went something like this:

Hey my sweet girl……

You are going to be given “X” amount of years on earth. There will be joys and there will be tears along with moments of defeat and of victory.

You will face adversities as you strive for acceptance. You will eventually learn that true acceptance only comes from me.

You will desire to be loved and have an idea of what love is. That will need to be corrected to truly experience it.

You will experience heartache and loss that will open the door for a ministry of the hope. The same hope that you will discover through the pain.

You will have seasons of loneliness that will draw you closer to me.

You will be an encourager because you will know what it’s like to be discouraged.

You will give grace because you know what it’s like to receive it.

You will desire for people to know that they matter because you never want them to feel like they don’t – it hurts deeply.

You will learn to truly forgive because you’ve experienced complete forgiveness.

Every broken area of your life – I will redeem! Trust me! You are not alone; I am there with you – Always & Forever! Live each day with Godly purpose!

Try to live life with an eternal perspective. I formed you before the creation of the world. I knew you would answer my call on your life. You are mine! My daughter! My joy! I love you!

I accept you just the way I beautifully and wonderfully made you. I will redeem the broken parts and when the time comes, I will welcome you home with open arms. Until then – let’s do life together!

I pray that you will choose to see the brokenness in your life with an eternal perspective. God is doing a mighty work in and through you.

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