Boots On
To “Die with your boots on” is an idiom referring to dying while fighting or to die while actively occupied/employed/working or in the middle of some action. A person who dies with their boots on keeps working to the end, as in “He’ll never quit—he’ll die with his boots on.”
I recently saw this reference in the life of my friend’s husband. He had been diagnosed with cancer in January and given only 5-8 weeks to live. By the grace of God he lived a little over 8 months.
During those God gifted months he never ceased praying for others and posting words of encouragement. He used every precious minute of his time to serve the Lord.
The crowning moment of his dedication to share the gospel came at his Celebration of Life where he had pre-recorded a message of God’s love that was shown to everyone present or watching via social media. What an incredible testimony.
Dorcas also served until the moment she died. Her story continues as a testimony to God’s love and provision. I imagine that both Docas and my friend’s husband heard the words we all desire to hear, “Well done my good and faithful one.”
Jesus told his disciples to be ready, to watch and wait for His return because we don’t know the day or hour. In that waiting we are to be faithfully serving, “boots on,” until we are either called home or the Lord returns. Blessed is the one who he finds faithful.
Be Intentional about remaining faithful in service.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the beautiful examples of lifetime service that we have in Your word and in my friend’s husband. I pray that we too will choose to remain faithful until we see You again. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Matthew 24:46-47
It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.