Best Friends
You’ve probably seen the necklaces that have a heart with the words, “Best Friends,” engraved on them and they separate into two necklaces so each friend can wear one as a reminder of their friendship. Nowadays friends might even get matching tattoos for the same reason.
When I see people with them it makes me wonder what made them best friends and what’s their story. They may have grown up together, had sleep overs, shared their deepest secrets and spend countless hours talking with each other. Whatever the reason, they want others to see and know that they have a best friend.
Ruth and Naomi became best friends through the intertwined lives that they lived. They shared love for their lost family members, they shared their joys and sorrows, their challenges and their victories. But the most important thing they shared and what made them true BFF’s (Best Friends Forever) was God.
Naomi shared about the God of Israel with Ruth and in time Ruth fully dedicated her life to Him. That’s a real best friend. Someone who will point you to the One and Only God who invites you into an eternal relationship with Him.
Are you that kind of best friend? Someone who knows that no matter how great our friendships with each other here on earth are, an eternal relationship with Jesus is by far better.
Have you told your friends about Him? What He means to you. How He changed your life and how you have chosen to follow Him.
By sharing, Naomi gained a friend not only in this life, but also the next.
Be Intentional about sharing Jesus with your friends.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for sending true friends to tell me about You. What a difference it has made in my life and my future. Help me to be that same kind of friend and share you with others. I want to be a Godly influence and lead them to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
John 15:15
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.