Live Boldly

Be Intentional

What does it mean to be intentional?  By definition it means to do something on purpose. On our daily journey we have endless opportunities to be intentional.  We can choose to be intentional about:

  •   what and who we worship
  •   how we pray
  •   how we study the Bible
  •   our gratitude 
  •   our relationships with God and others. 

Being mindful of the many choices we have each day gives us a road map that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit will lead us in discovering God’s purpose for our lives.

Being intentional about praying continually will not only connect us more deeply to God, but it will open the pathway of communication to also receive clear direction from Him.  Praying with expectation helps us to believe in the promises of God and gives us His peace that surpasses understanding.

Being intentional about knowing His word, not just reading it, will open our lives to the many hidden treasures along the way.  We will begin to discover the countless characteristics of God, our lifelong traveling companion.  His word is our ultimate travel guide in our journey of life. 

Being intentional about gratitude will open our hearts to His continual presence in our lives.  As we give thanks  – regardless of our feelings, He gives us joy – regardless of our circumstances.

Being intentional about our relationship with God will transform us from being unschooled and ordinary to strong and courageous believers who can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  People will see that we have spent time with Him and have become forever changed.

Being intentional about our relationships with others gives us the opportunity to serve our purpose – to love God and love others.  Relationships are a gift from God.

As a believer, being intentional shows faith that God will supply all we need as we freely pour out all we have to others.

The harvest is plentiful and the Lord is asking, “Whom shall I send?”  Are you a willing vessel?  Do you know that He highly values you and equips you for this calling? 

Did you know that there is an abundant need in this world for your exact contribution….your thoughts, your words, your talents…..your exact kind of beautiful!

Yes, You matter greatly to God!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the Universe and you have been given the opportunity to live out that truth. 

 Know it.  Believe it.  Live it.

 You Matter!

You matter to God.                                   You are valuable!

Your life matters to God.                            You have influence!

Your pain matters to God.                        You can do anything!

Your sorrow matters to God.                    You are appreciated!

Your joy matters to God.                            You are loved!

Your hopes matter to God.                         You are talented!

Your questions matter to God.                    You make a difference!

Your concerns matter to God.                      You are amazing!

Your suffering matters to God.                    You are a Daughter of the King!

You being right here right now means that you have something to offer.  God isn’t finished with you so never let anyone, even your own self, tell you that you have nothing to offer or that you are nothing.

According to God you were worth dying for.

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