Answered Prayers
I have a notebook that I write down my prayer requests and praises in each morning. When the prayers are answered I go back to that entry and write, “answered” in the margin. It’s a beautiful thing to read back at the prayer requests and see God’s hand working in so many of them. He is so faithful!
I was reading a commentary on Acts 4 and it really made me stop and think. Peter and John had just been delivered from prison and returned to meet with fellow believers. The believer’s prayers for deliverance had been answered and then they all prayed together.
In their prayer they spoke of God’s will and purpose, they asked God to consider the threats of those persecuting them and then…..did they ask for God to deal with their persecutors? No. Did they ask God to prevent them from ever going through that trial again? No. They asked God to enable them to speak His word with great boldness! That’s exactly what landed them in prison to begin with and they wanted more!
The New American Commentary stated, “One would expect them to ask God for further deliverance. They did not. Instead, they asked for more of the same, requesting of Him boldness in witness and further miraculous signs.” Acts 4:31 – “Immediately they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word with boldness, just as they had petitioned!” Now that’s a prayer that God was happy to answer.
In reading through my own prayer requests how many times do I pray for God to do my will? Fix this, change them, protect them, deal with them and get me out of this. I didn’t see anywhere in the pages of requests that I asked for boldness to speak His word. But what if I did? What would that look like? His word has an answer for everything.
Fix this: Is it really a problem or an opportunity to trust God? What do you want me to learn from this?
Change them: Remove the plank from my own eye first. Change my heart to see them as You do. You love them. You created them and they have purpose.
Protect them: From what? from any chance of experiencing God? When have I learned the most – when everything was perfectly smooth or when I had to step out and experience life? Struggle a little. Grow.
That’s a hard prayer to pray. Of course I want my family healthy, safe and protected, but bubble wrap is not the answer. How will they know God’s character without experiencing it? I know Him as my Comforter because I’ve experienced His comfort. I know He is my Father by His love and disciple for me. He cares. I know Him as my Teacher when He patiently gives me opportunities to step out, fall and get back up. It helps me grow stronger and wiser.
Deal with them: How well did that work for the “son’s of thunder” who wanted to rain down fire on people who rejected Jesus? Yes I’ve felt that way before too. What if someone prayed that prayer about me? Thankfully Jesus didn’t allow that. Instead He said, “pray for those that persecute you, and your enemy is not flesh and blood.”
Get me out of this: Fiery trials develop character. Jesus walked around in the fire with the three Hebrews and was talking with them! We will miss out on amazing adventures with God when we pray to avoid them. We should pray, “Help me see You in this.” Pray the word with boldness!
I’m learning to ask, “How would You want me to pray for them? It instantly takes my opinion out of the equation and opens my heart and eyes to see them as He would.
One of the greatest prayers I’ve heard in my life was when the two strangers prayed for my family at the hospital. They prayed that we would come to know God through this. They were bold that day. Approaching strangers while obeying God. They didn’t pray what I wanted to hear, that all would be fine and Brock would have a miraculous healing. They prayed God’s will and it happened. Praise God it happened! God gave them boldness and the miracle followed. Our family came to know Jesus.
My prayer
Father please give me boldness to share your word, be a part of your work and see Your miracles that are happening every day! You are faithful and I am blessed to see all the answered prayers. Amen
Where does my help come from?
Acts 4:29
“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”
Acts 4:31
“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”