Live Boldly

An Early Morning Invitation

One night while on vacation I didn’t sleep very well and had several strange dreams that clouded my mind. I walked around the hotel room trying to clear my head and settle down so I could go back to sleep, but God had a different plan for me. He invited me to meet Him for an early morning display of His wonders.

The morning air was so clean and inhaling it brought a new calmness with each breath. “Be still and know that I am God,” was the invitation before me and His peace is so inviting and desirable that I couldn’t refuse.

While sitting on a beach chair I watched the sun rise and a new day begin. The peace found in those early hours is like no other. God’s artistry was on full display and the tranquility of the moment calmed my soul. Those moments of stillness were filling my spirit with strength for the day.

There have been several times at home that I have found myself in the early hours, sitting on the couch and looking out the window while being still and seeing the wonders of His hands. I’m starting to recognize those early morning awakenings as gifts from God. He provides so much more than another hour of sleep ever could.

Those moments give me the mind picture of Jesus quietly walking into my room, gently tapping me on the shoulder to wake up and inviting me to come and experience something with Him before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

I’m in awe that the God of all Creation invites me to have a special early moment alone with Him. Those moments never disappoint and I find that I am more rested and ready for the day when I’ve joined Him for a morning rendezvous.

I guess He wants me to experience what He did when He got up very  early in the morning, while it was still dark, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. (Mark 1:35)

No matter what the day brings when it starts with my quiet time with Him I know that it will all work out and that I will have our time together to hold on to throughout the day.

My Prayer

Father, thank you for the early morning invitations to see Your splendor. I’m in awe that You create moments like that and choose to include me. Thank you for the strength that being still in You provides. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 46:10

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

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