All This and Jesus too!
I received the book Jesus Always from a friend for Christmas. As I read the introduction I was surprised to read about the health issues that the writer Sarah Young has been dealing with for several years. Yet in her condition she finds her greatest joy to be time with Jesus. Her writing is so heart felt and comes from a place of personal experience and a desire for others to know Jesus personally.
She mentioned that she has a “Thanks Book,” which is where she daily takes notes of the blessings she receives. She writes, “looking for good things and thanking God for them cheers me up and changes my perspective, helping me see my life through the grid of gratitude.”
She shared a story about a weak, old coal miner whose body had been ravaged by his many years of hard labor in the mines. In his humble home there was a table with a small bowl of thin porridge on it. Holding a piece of bread in his coal-stained hands, he was ready to eat his meager meal. But first he knelt beside the table, joyfully exclaiming over and over again, “All this, and Jesus too! All this, and Jesus too!”
Wherever you are today I pray that you know how much God loves you as we celebrate the birth of our Savior which is the greatest love gift ever given.
Regardless of how many possessions we have, where we live, our health conditions, our family situations or our current circumstances we have cause for joy today because we have Jesus!
Emmanuel…….God with us! The best gift ever!
Merry Christmas!