All That Matters
I heard a statement on The Chosen today that said, “What you were before meeting the Messiah doesn’t matter. All that matters now is I Am.” Throughout the day I have thought about that statement and tried to think of how I look at things on this side of grace. Do I believe the I Am statements of Christ?
I imagine that as Mary followed and walked with Jesus, she was in constant awe of who He was and who He was changing her to be. Being a daily witness to lives changed must have reinforced what she was learning and experiencing.
As Jesus shared who He was, the realization is that as believers we have that same “I Am” power within us. Each and every “I AM” statement that He made is still true today.
The day after Jesus had fed the 5000, many were looking for Him, not because of His teachings, but because of what He had done for them. Yes, Jesus took care of their physical needs, but His message was much greater.
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
What are you hungry for? What are you thirsty for?
I’ve missed my quiet time with the Lord the last couple of weeks due to illness and I feel the deep need for time alone with Him. I want more of Him. I need more of Him. I miss Him.
We try to fill our hunger and thirst with many things that may temporarily satisfy, but just like the people in the story, the next day they needed more.
When we fill up on Jesus, spend time with Him, read about Him, pray to Him, we are better able to face whatever the day may bring. Just as He explained to those listening, it’s like manna, a daily gathering. Not a one and done type of thing.
He gives us just enough for each day. And His just enough will always be more than enough.
Be Intentional about filling up on the Bread of Life.
Praises & Prayers
Father, I miss you. I’ve missed our time together, our talks, our walks and our relationship. I pray that I will fill up on what truly matters and that is You. Help me to remember who You are and hold tight to that truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
John 6:35
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”