Live Boldly

Action Challenge

Over the weekend I was given the opportunity to experience a crucial element needed in the “You Matter” project; action behind the words.

I received a card that had very beautiful pictures on it along with flowery words that really were quite praising and well arranged. The handwritten note on the bottom said, “The card says it all,” and was signed by the individual.

It really was a nice gesture, but deep inside I knew that the person really didn’t feel that way because their actions spoke completely different. It was hard to accept the card with joy or sincerity and I found myself feeling that I really didn’t matter to them.

As I prayed and cried about it, I knew that God was teaching me a valuable lesson with the You Matter cards. Many times I have handed them out feeling like I’m doing something wonderful, but not even acknowledging the needs of the person I am giving them too.

The card I received reminded me that I really didn’t matter to that person, I just was on their to do list and they didn’t really value me at all. Are the cards I’m handing out doing the same to others at times? Do they see the colors and words and think, “Sure, I matter to you?”

Actions do speak louder than words. Thank you Lord for a heartfelt experience to show me that I need to put action to the words. Those actions can be as simple as giving that person a few moments of my time to be heard, to learn something about them, to pray for them or meet a need they might have. I want sincerity behind the words. Heartfelt concern and actions that match so that they will deeply know that Yes, they do matter.

As always, the Lord gave me an immediate opportunity to obey. I was at lunch in a restaurant with my husband and overheard two ladies at another table talking. One lady shared how she was struggling with her finances and trying to get them under control. She was also struggling with health issues and the medication was expensive. My heart went out to her.

When our check arrived I heard God say, “put your words into action, pay for their meal and give them You Matter cards.” Earlier in the week I had received a nice monetary gift from a client for a trip I had arrange for him. God reminded me that He had already provided the funds. As I spoke with the waitresses He reminded me not to forget them and to be generous in the tips because they matter too.

My prayer

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to live out what You are teaching me and for Your correction. Thank you for letting me experience the hurt of insincerity and to do my best to make sure someone else never feels that from me. You are generous Lord and always provide everything that is needed. Make me more like You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Where does my help come from?

Colossians 3:23

“Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others.”

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