Acceptance is something that I have sought after most of my life and not always in the best places, ways or from the right people. What is it about acceptance that makes it so appealing, enough to alter what we think, do and how we act just to obtain it?
I use to think when I was younger that when I grew up this need would go away and I would no longer be bothered by the pain that not receiving it can cause. As an adult I could distance myself from people that consistently reminded me I was not accepted; but that isn’t the case. There are times as an adult that I think it’s even harder because I now try to rationalize and justify the comments, my thoughts and all the hurts that have stored up over the years.
Just when I think that I have put those feeling behind me and I feel stronger and prepared, I get blindsided and all the hurt comes snowballing in even bigger than before. Then I’m mad at myself for falling for the same old lines and actions. Will I ever learn?
Today was one of those days. I could feel the anxiety building as an event approaches that will be attended by some people whom I choose to limit the amount of time I interact with. When I’m around them I’m often reminded that I don’t matter to them. Sometimes it’s in subtle ways and other times it quite bold.
In my mind I was starting to rationalize my thoughts of past experiences and then I would justify my feelings kind of like a safety mechanism. I wanted to mental prepare myself, sure up the wall in time for the event that was fast approaching.
All these thoughts were distracting me from my bible study and so I stopped to pray. I didn’t want to think this way or feel this way nor did I want to live in dread or avoidance anymore. God gave me clear direction as I continued my bible study.
The bible study that I am currently going through is titled, “It not suppose to be this way,” by Lysa Terkeurst, and as always, God timed it perfectly. In one of the chapters she shares the story of the man born blind whom Jesus healed by spitting in the dirt, making clay and applying it to the man’s eyes. (John 9:1-7). The main message of this man’s story is that “it happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”
Her comment was, “This man’s blindness – his own form of hardship and long suffering – wasn’t because of choices he made or ones his parents made. This suffering was placed on him. But it was for a reason. He was handpicked to display the works of God. Through his story Jesus would shine the light of truth and hope for others’ lives to not be so dark. And then Jesus brought healing out of the man’s brokenness.”
There was so much in that statement that spoke to me and made me stop and think on it all day. When I reread that statement and in place of blindness wrote the word unacceptance, I was in awe of what God was trying to tell me.
“This unacceptance that I feel, this form of hardship and long suffering – isn’t because of choices I’m made or ones my parents made. This suffering has been placed on me, but for a reason. I’ve been handpicked to display the works of God. Through my story, Jesus will shine the light of truth and hope for others’ lives to not be so dark. And then Jesus brought healing out of my brokenness.” Isn’t that powerful!
As believers we are going to experience unacceptance from others. Sometimes in subtle ways and other times very boldly. But to know that this is something that has been placed on believers by God (to participate in His suffering – Philippians 3: 10) for a reason, to serve His purpose is simply amazing! My favorite part is the word, “handpicked,” which means; to select personally and with care. God called and chose each believer, now that is acceptance!
As a handpicked believer we will have many opportunities for Christ’s light of truth to shine through us. Those opportunities become our story and as people continue to see that we stand by our beliefs throughout our story, it will bring hope that their lives can be different too. That they can find acceptance where it really matters and know that they matter.
After thinking about this situation in the light of truth, I realized that these people are desperately seeking acceptance themselves. They are jumping through the hoops and altering their lives to try and obtain from the world, what God is so freely offering to them by choosing Him.
My heart softened towards them and at the same time I felt such joy in being reminded that God fully accepts me. He knows what I feel and the struggles that I face and He has given me everything I will need to live for Him.
The end of the statement said that Jesus brought healing out of the man’s brokenness. If I would not have felt unaccepted by people in my life, would I have been so desperate for God’s acceptance? He used that need, that desire to draw me to Him and now I get to experience what real acceptance is all about. Not only that, I get to share that acceptance with others; especially those that choose not to accept me. That’s Godly healing.
My prayer
Father, thank you for comforting my heart and soul today. Your love and acceptance mean everything to me. I’m so touched and honored that You would choose me, handpick me, to be Your messenger. Let my life be a message of love, grace and acceptance. Help me to forgive past hurts and lay them at Your feet, then pick up the call on my life to make a difference in the lives of the same people who created the hurt. You have a purpose for all of this and I pray You will receive all the glory. In Jesus name. Amen.
Where does my help come from?
Luke 4:18-19 The Passion Translation
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”
Romans 8:28-30
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.”