Live Boldly

A Lonely Place to Pray

That statement at first sounds kind of sad, but when experienced it is quite different.

Usually this time of year is slow and quiet at my job, a time of peace and renewal from a busy season. This year everything is different. With travel restrictions slowly being lifted, the requests are rolling in and I’m finding it a bit of a challenge to find my quiet time.

I was reminded by a sign on my wall that read, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus,” that it’s a choice to go to a lonely place to pray and it can be done if I make it a priority.

My life is definitely not as busy as Jesus’ was and He would often slip away to a lonely place to pray. He did this because He knew what that precious time could do. Release the stress and pressure. Restore peace. Renew a right heart. It was one on one time with the Father. A gift!

It’s easy to think that you don’t have time in your busy day to devote ten or twenty minutes to talk with God, but the truth is that those ten to twenty minutes will give you the energy, peace and motivation to face the rest of your day.

I challenge you to go to that lonely place. It might be your bedroom, a closet, outside or in your car. Wherever you can be alone with God and simply say, “Hello Lord.” It will make a difference.

Be Intentional about spending time alone with God everyday.

Praises & Prayers

Lord, thank you for quiet time with You. What a gift! Help me to make You my first priority. Thank you for the peace, renewal and direction that time with You always provides. You are such a good God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Messages from His Word

Luke 5:16

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

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