Live Boldly

A Divine Roadside Encounter

The bible is full of stories of the miraculous works of God and I believe they are still happening today. It’s easy to agree that God protecting and providing for Noah and his family in the flood or the parting of the Red Sea or raising people from the dead were all miracles. But it’s also a miracle when God protects and provides for each and every one of our needs. When He removes obstacles in our lives or provides a way through them and when He brings a sinner back to life in Him.

God is always orchestrating Divine Encounters which are people and events placed in our path for a purpose. Our part is to respond to His leading and that’s exactly what Abigail did.

  1. She went where she was lead to go that day
  2. Met whom she needed to meet
  3. Said what she was lead to say

The story of David might have taken a different turn if she hadn’t followed the conviction on her heart.

When we feel that tugging on our heart we need to respond and leave the results up to God. Even simple acts of kindness have been know to change a life or even save it.

Be Intentional about seeking out Divine Encounters

Praises & Prayers

Father, thank you for orchestrating Divine Encounters where we have the privilege of seeing Your might hand at work. Help us to seek them out and be responsive to go, do and say in whichever way You lead. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Messages from His Word

Isaiah 30:21

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

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