A Call of Friendship
For the month of June I’ll be studying the story of Ruth and Naomi. It’s a beautiful message on true friendship and I’m excited about how God will use this to open the door to many new relationships.
To go along with the daily blog study, I’m inviting you to take a friendship challenge with me.
Throughout the month of June I’m going to send a letter, a notecard, a text or email to a different woman each day letting her know that I’m thinking of her. Women that I know from church, my neighbors, acquaintances and anyone that God leads me to. I may mention something I admire about her, ask if she has any needs I can help with or simply say, “Hello.”
Just knowing she is thought of will make a difference and open the door for the Lord to show me friendships I didn’t even know were possible.
Like Ruth, many of us have experienced loss of family, loss of dreams, loss of friendships, loss of the familiar and loss of trust. All of which can make us resistant to new relationships. But what if, like Ruth, we willingly chose to trust God and His leading.
What if we opened up our lives to others, some of whom we may not have expected, and experience the gift of friendship that awaits.
What if, like Ruth, we stepped out into the unknown and the unpredictable, tried something foreign to us and allowed ourselves to be vulnerable and unguarded?
What if we allowed ourselves to be compelled by love?
That’s what this friendship challenge is all about, choosing relationship over fear. Just imagine the possibilities!
I hope you join me in this Call of Friendship and look forward to all that God will do in and through it.
Thank you for being my friend!