Live Boldly

23 Points – New Every Morning

The journey continues as I work towards my birthday goals and as my mind fights the idea of a diet, the re-conditioning is telling me that I need to do things differently than I’ve done them before.  I’ve tried most of the plans out there and was prompted to look at a relative that had tried Weight Watchers.  He had lost several pounds and kept it off, which was encouraging.

This program would require me to us an app on my cell phone and that is something that I don’t use.  I believe this was another nudge from God to get out there and try new things, think differently and be open to learning.  I watched a short YouTube video on how to work the app and it didn’t seem that complicated, just a matter of changing my anti-technology thinking.  Once the app was loaded I began the program.  I was given 23 points per day to use however I would like.  Food is rated differently than I’ve known in the past and I definitely had to look at it in a new way.

It’s similar to budgeting.  You have an allotted amount each day and once it’s used, it’s gone.  You do have a few extra points put away for small overages, but on a whole the idea is to stay in your daily range.  Some days I manage my points really well, other days not so much.  When I’ve overspent my points I been frustrated with myself but each new day I received 23 more points.  It reminded me of the Israelites in the wilderness with the manna.  They were given an allotted amount each day.  If they gathered too much it would go bad.  It was teaching them complete dependence on God. 

I had become bored with cooking and our meals were very repetitive and tasteless.  My attitude towards making dinner was lacking as well.  I had worked all day and coming home to the task of making dinner was not appealing.  This program encourages trying new ways to prepare food using spices and different cooking techniques and as with the other pieces of my Esther Project, this would provide an internal and external learning opportunity.

When I started looking at this program as a tool to reach my goal and not a torture device, it became much more enjoyable.  The app is fun to use and tracks my progress in different areas.  It always sends encouraging messages and motivation notes when needed.  Trying the new cooking techniques has brought excitement back into the kitchen and I’ve been surprised at how much I look forward to cooking again.  Some of the same old foods prepared a different way, have become my new favorites.  Can you imagine how many ways the Israelites learned to prepare manna?

With the program working on the outside, God was working on the inside by re-conditioning my thinking about technology, cooking and daily seeing His provision not only in food but in other areas of my life as well.   Part of the reason the program works is by staying connected daily, communicating and trusting in the process.

It’s the same with God.  His plan works and part of His process is staying connected to Him daily.  He always has encouraging words along the way, motivation for moments that we fall short and we can trust that His is with us every step of the way.  He is our source of provision and He has given us such unique and wonderful ways to experience that provision.  And when we have blown it we are reminded that His mercies are new every day.

My prayer

Father, thank you for leading me to new experiences and teaching me new things.  You are my provider!  You are generous and loving and Your plan is perfect.  Help me to see Your leading and follow without reservations.  I look eagerly to my daily allotment.  It is a reminder that I can trust You and that Your plans for me are good.  Amen

Where does my help come from?

Lamentations 3:22-23

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.”

Deuteronomy 8:3

“He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

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