Live Boldly

2020 Lord, I Want To See

Years ago a friend asked me what my life verse was. As a new believer I hadn’t really thought about it but I could see the value in having a verse that would really speak to you in a personal way.

In thinking about the new year I thought it would be nice to have a theme for the year. A theme would summarize my goals and help me stay focused in my daily pursuit of those goals. Building on the 20/20 vision idea I began looking up verses that spoke about Godly vision and found the story of two blind men found in Matthew 20: 30-35:

Two blind men were sitting beside the road, and when they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, “Jesus, have mercy on us!” The crowd told them to be quiet, but they only yelled the louder.

When Jesus came to the place where they were, he stopped in the road and called, “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Lord,” they said, “we want to see!” Jesus was moved with compassion for them and touched their eyes. And instantly they could see, and followed him.

I can see myself in this story. Often I am blind to what God is doing in and around me. I also find myself on the sidelines when I could and should be active in what God is doing. Godly vision is so different than physical vision. These men although they were physically blind recognized Jesus when He came.

The men were bold and refused to listen to those around them who would discourage them from knowing Jesus more. In fact they became even more bold and yelled even louder. Do I quiet down or go bold when confronted by opposition?

Jesus met them where they were just like He meets us wherever we are. He hears our cry and responds. What would your response be to Jesus’ reply, “What do you want me to do for you ___________?”(fill in your name) Remember, Jesus is willing and able to answer our cries for help. We need to be willing to align our will to His and trust that it’s best for us.

Their answer was one of faith and belief. In addressing Jesus as “Lord” they were professing their faith and belief in Him as their Lord, then they made their request trusting in His ability to make it happen.

Surrounded by crowds of people shouting, Jesus saw these two blind men, heard their profession of faith, listened to their request, had compassion on them and touched them. What a personal Savior we have! Immediately they could see and they followed Him.

Jesus does the same for us. He sees us. He hears us and listens to our prayers. He has compassion on us and is willing to touch our lives if we allow Him.

My desire for 2020 is to see Him. To see the world and people the way that He does. To listen to those in need and meet those needs when I can. To have Godly compassion on people and help them know that they are loved and that they matter.

To do this I will need God to open my eyes to His word and His activity in and around me. I imagine it would be similar to what the disciples experienced as they followed Christ. They saw the Lord doing exactly what He came to earth to do. They saw the compassion. They saw the boldness. They saw the miracles and they saw lives changed with His words.

“What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord Jesus, I want to see!”

My Prayer

Father, thank you for Your word and the desires it creates in me. Lord, I want to see. I want to have Godly vision to see You in and around me. Help me to see people as You do. Open my eyes to see the divine encounters that You have prepared for me and to meet the needs of those You lead me to. I want to grow in my relationship with You Lord. Thank you for new opportunities. Thank you for new vision. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Matthew 20:33

“What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see!”

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